When a CS graduate student can buy a 70m2 home in Beijing?

A CS marketing person can not buy a home in Beijing even within 15 year. (70% saving, No family funding)

A CS developer can buy a home with in 15 years in some outskirts. (70% saving, No family funding)

A CS product manager can buy a home within 15 years in most outskirts. (70% saving, No family funding)

My family funding will be ,000.
And I will save % of my salary.
So my total home funding will be the following chart:
Author: Ran(Ryan) Shi
Ziqiang Wang
Zhuo Wang
All Data is Captured from following source, Please do not use this page for commercial purposes.
Data source: (Salary)http://www.jobui.com/salary/beijing/
(Apartment Price)http://bj.lianjia.com/xiaoqu/
(Geo JSON)http://www.ourd3js.com/wordpress/739/
Relevant visualization: http://data.house.163.com/bj/housing/index.html
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