Concentration of Industries Affected by a Trade War

The United States and China have been firing the initial shots of a trade war in recent months, announcing sets of tariffs to protect their own domestic industry and retaliate against each other's industries. We set out to examine a subset of these tariffs and their potential impact by mapping employment in the industries that produce those goods, showing which regions of the country would be most affected. To provide a clue about the magnitude of the tarrifs' impact, we also show the US imports and exports of the goods under tariff to discover how much of the total is going to and from China.
Data is sparse for employment in specific industries at the county level due to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' confidentiality rules protecting the identity of certain employers. To learn more, click here

Positive impact The tariffs enacted by the U.S. intend to protect these industries.
Consumer Electronics/High-Tech
Negative impact The retaliatory tariffs enacted by the China intend to harm these industries.
Raw employment numbers
Employment percent

Pork employment by county

William Coates (
Kunal Dhillon (
Xianlin Shao (
in collaboration with Suresh K Lodha, Karthik Balakrishna, Christopher Bui and Janesh Chhabra.

GitHub Link
Designed for CMPS 165: Data programming for Visualization, Spring 2018