BRICS: GDP and Human Development 1970-2050

Out of all the BRICS nations, Russia dominated both GDP and HDI up until the 1980s. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 weakened Russia's GDP and HDI growth significantly, and with primarily consistent rises to economic growth, Brazil, China, and India to catch up in terms of GDP by 1996. Since then, Russia's development in GDP and HDI has been severely lagging behind that of the other BRICS nations, and in the near future, projections indicate that Brazil, China, and South Africa will catch up to Russia's HDI as early on as 2023, with India on track to catching up some time after 2050.

There are 3 components of HDI:

1970 2050
         |________________________________________________________________| |_________________________________________________|
Historical Data
Projected Data

Created by: Christopher Bui and Janesh Chhabra in collaboration with Suresh K Lodha
CMPS 165: Data Programming for Visualizations, Fall 2016

index.html The World Bank: General Country Data Romain Vuillemot: Motion Chart
TimeChart.css Barry B. Hughes: Forcasting HDI CSS Portal: Range Slider Styling
TimeChart.js United Nations: Department of Economics and Social Affairs
BRICS_HDI.csv United Nations: National Accounts Main Aggregates Database
BRICS_LE.csv The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
BRICS_EDU.csv United Nations: World Population Prospects
BRICS_Household.csv Our World in Data (Ortiz-Ospina and Roser): Education